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Scale selection of industrial and commercial energy storage system

September 10, 2024
The industrial and commercial energy storage system is like a large "energy charger", which can store energy when the power is sufficient and release energy when needed. It is usually composed of energy storage batteries, battery management systems (BMS), power conversion systems (PCS) and monitoring systems. By reasonably configuring the scale of the energy storage system, enterprises can better cope with fluctuations in power demand, improve energy utilization efficiency, and even provide emergency power supply when the power grid fails to ensure the continuity of production and operation.
The selection of energy storage system mainly considers the following factors:
1. Characteristics of power demand
The daily power demand pattern of the enterprise is the basis for determining the scale of the energy storage system. It is necessary to carefully analyze the power load of the enterprise in different time periods, including peak, valley and average power consumption. For example, some manufacturing enterprises consume a lot of electricity during the daytime production period, while the power consumption drops sharply at night; while data centers require 24-hour continuous and stable power supply. Only by fully understanding the power consumption pattern of the enterprise can the scale of power support that the energy storage system needs to provide be accurately determined.
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2. Peak-valley electricity price difference
The electricity price policy is an important factor affecting the economic efficiency of the energy storage system. Many regions have implemented a peak-valley electricity price mechanism, that is, the electricity price is higher during peak hours and lower during off-peak hours. By charging during off-peak hours and discharging during peak hours, energy storage systems can help companies reduce electricity costs. The greater the difference in peak-valley electricity prices, the more significant the economic benefits of the energy storage system. Accordingly, it may be necessary to select a larger-scale energy storage system to make full use of the price difference to obtain benefits.
3. Site space and environmental conditions
The installation of the energy storage system requires a certain amount of site space, and the company needs to consider whether the existing site can accommodate the selected scale of energy storage equipment. In addition, the environmental conditions of the site, such as temperature, humidity, ventilation, etc., will also affect the performance and life of the energy storage system. For example, a high temperature environment may reduce the performance and life of the battery, so it is necessary to select a suitable heat dissipation method and energy storage technology, which may also limit the scale selection of the energy storage system.
4. Enterprise development plan
The future development plan of the enterprise is also one of the factors to be considered when choosing the scale of the energy storage system. If the company has plans to expand production scale, add new equipment or expand new business, the future electricity demand may increase. Therefore, when choosing the scale of the energy storage system, a certain margin needs to be reserved to meet the needs of the company's future development. At the same time, the scalability of the energy storage system needs to be considered so that it can be expanded according to actual needs in the future.
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Application cases of large-scale energy storage systems:
1. Small-scale industrial and commercial energy storage system (<100kWh)
A small coffee shop has a large demand for electricity during the daytime business hours and less electricity at night. In order to reduce electricity costs, it chose to install a small energy storage system with a capacity of 50kWh. The system charges during the low-peak hours at night and discharges during the peak hours during the day, effectively realizing the peak-to-valley shifting of electricity. According to the owner, after installing the energy storage system, the monthly electricity bill expenditure has been reduced by about 20%, and the power supply reliability of the coffee shop has been improved, avoiding business losses caused by power outages.
2. Medium-sized industrial and commercial energy storage system (100kWh - 1MWh)
In a medium-sized factory, there are large fluctuations in electricity consumption during the production process, and the power consumption during peak hours can reach 500kW. In order to stabilize the power supply and reduce the cost of electricity, the factory invested in a 500kWh energy storage system equipped with a 250kW bidirectional inverter. The energy storage system can not only store excess electricity during low-power periods and release it during peak periods, but also work with the factory's distributed photovoltaic power generation system to improve the utilization rate of renewable energy. After a period of operation, the factory's electricity costs have been significantly reduced, while reducing its dependence on the power grid and improving its energy self-sufficiency rate.
3. Large-scale industrial and commercial energy storage system (>1MWh)
A large commercial complex with a construction area of ​​more than 100,000 square meters, including shopping centers, hotels, office buildings and other business formats, has huge and complex electricity demand. In order to achieve efficient energy management and sustainable development, the commercial complex has built a large-scale energy storage system with a capacity of 5MWh and uses advanced battery management technology and energy management system. The energy storage system can not only meet the power needs of the commercial complex itself, but also participate in the peak-shaving and frequency-regulating services of the power grid to provide support for the stable operation of the power grid. Through the application of energy storage systems, commercial complexes have achieved energy conservation and emission reduction goals, reducing carbon dioxide emissions by thousands of tons each year, while also achieving considerable economic benefits.
The scale selection of industrial and commercial energy storage systems is a comprehensive decision-making process that requires full consideration of the company's power demand, electricity price policy, site conditions, development plans and other factors. By reasonably selecting the scale of the energy storage system, companies can achieve optimal energy management, reduce costs, improve energy reliability, and lay a solid foundation for sustainable development. With the continuous advancement of energy technology and the continuous reduction of costs, the application prospects of industrial and commercial energy storage systems will become increasingly broad.
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