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How energy storage systems help companies save costs

September 06, 2024
In the context of the ever-changing energy landscape today, energy storage systems are gradually becoming an important means for enterprises to save costs. Energy storage systems can play a key role in different scenarios by storing and releasing electric energy, especially in electric vehicle chargers and energy storage batteries, bringing many benefits to enterprises.
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This is due to the working principle of the energy storage system. The energy storage system is mainly composed of energy storage batteries, power conversion systems and control systems. When electricity prices are low or renewable energy generation is in excess, the energy storage system stores the electricity; when electricity demand is peak or prices are high, the stored electricity is released to meet the electricity needs of the enterprise. This peak-shaving and valley-filling function can effectively reduce the electricity costs of enterprises.
For electric vehicle chargers equipped by enterprises, energy storage systems play a vital role, including the following two points:
1. The energy storage system can provide a stable power supply for electric vehicle chargers. During peak hours of electricity consumption, the grid voltage may be unstable, and the energy storage system can independently power the charger to ensure the safety and efficiency of the charging process. This not only improves the convenience of using electric vehicles within the enterprise, but also reduces the damage to chargers and electric vehicle batteries caused by power fluctuations, and reduces maintenance costs.
2. Energy storage systems can use low-price periods such as nighttime to store electricity, and then charge electric vehicles during the day, thereby reducing charging costs. Enterprises can reasonably arrange the charging and discharging time of energy storage systems according to their own electricity consumption patterns and electricity price fluctuations to achieve cost optimization.
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In terms of energy storage batteries, enterprises can achieve efficient management of batteries through energy storage systems. The control system of the energy storage system can monitor the status of the battery in real time, including parameters such as voltage, current, and temperature, to ensure that the battery operates within a safe range. At the same time, the energy storage system can formulate reasonable charging and discharging strategies based on the characteristics and usage requirements of the battery to extend the service life of the battery. This means that enterprises can save a lot of costs in the purchase and replacement of energy storage batteries.
In addition, energy storage systems can also store excess renewable energy electricity in energy storage batteries, improve the utilization rate of renewable energy, reduce dependence on traditional energy, and further reduce the energy costs of enterprises.
In addition to directly reducing electricity costs and extending equipment life, energy storage systems can also bring other indirect economic benefits to enterprises. For example, enterprises can participate in power demand response projects to release electricity in energy storage systems when the grid needs it, and obtain corresponding subsidies and rewards. This not only provides support for the power grid, but also adds an additional source of income for enterprises. At the same time, the application of energy storage systems can also improve the energy self-sufficiency of enterprises, reduce dependence on external energy supply, and enhance the competitiveness of enterprises in the energy market.
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