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Home energy storage system introduction

September 18, 2024
In the context of energy transition, home energy storage systems are gradually becoming a new favorite in the field of home energy management. It is like a quietly working energy manager, bringing a lot of convenience and changes to the family's electricity life.
1. Composition of the home energy storage system
Home energy storage system is mainly composed of energy storage battery, battery management system (BMS), energy conversion system (PCS) and monitoring and control system.
Energy storage battery is the core of energy storage system. Common ones are lithium-ion batteries and lead-acid batteries. Lithium-ion batteries dominate home energy storage with their high energy density, long cycle life and low self-discharge rate. It is able to store a large amount of electricity in a limited volume, like an efficient energy container. Lead-acid batteries, although slightly inferior in energy density, are lower in cost and are a viable option for some families with limited budgets.
The battery management system (BMS) is like the personal guard of the energy storage battery. It constantly monitors battery voltage, current, temperature and other parameters. Through accurate monitoring, BMS can achieve balanced battery charging, avoid overcharging or discharge of individual batteries, and ensure the safe and stable operation of the entire battery pack. At the same time, when the battery has abnormal conditions, such as overcharge, overdischarge, overheating, etc., BMS can timely alarm and take protective measures to extend the service life of the battery.
Energy conversion system (PCS) is responsible for electrical energy conversion. In the charging process, it converts the alternating current of the grid into direct current to charge the energy storage battery; When discharging, it converts the direct current output of the energy storage battery into alternating current for the use of electrical equipment in the home. In households with photovoltaic power generation equipment, PCS can also convert the direct current generated by photovoltaic cells into alternating current, which is incorporated into the grid or directly supplied to the household to achieve flexible energy conversion.
The monitoring and control system is the brain of the entire home energy storage system. It can display the operating status of the system in real time, including the battery power, charge and discharge power, the system's working mode and other information. Users can intuitively understand the use of household energy through the monitoring system, and make personalized Settings and adjustments according to actual needs.
2. Working principle and mode
The working principle of home energy storage systems is simple and efficient. During normal grid power supply and low electricity prices, such as valley power at night, the system will automatically charge from the grid and store the energy in the energy storage battery. When the power grid is outage or the price of electricity is high, the energy storage system begins to release electricity to provide power for household appliances.
In the application scenario combined with photovoltaic power generation system, the working mode is more diversified. During the day, photovoltaic panels generate electricity under the sunlight, and the excess energy can be stored by the energy storage system after this part of the electricity meets the household electricity demand. In the case of night or insufficient light, the energy storage system can release the stored energy to power the home and achieve energy self-sufficiency. This model not only improves the utilization rate of photovoltaic power generation, but also reduces the dependence on the grid.
3. Functional advantages of home energy storage system
Emergency support
In the event of a power outage caused by a natural disaster or grid failure, the home energy storage system can quickly switch to an independent power supply mode to provide continuous power to the home. This is essential to ensure the normal operation of the basic life needs of the family, such as lighting, refrigerators, communication equipment, etc., and is a reliable choice for family emergency power.
Cut peaks and fill valleys
The price of electricity in the electricity market fluctuates according to changes in demand. The home energy storage system can store electric energy in the off-peak period and release electric energy in the peak period to achieve peak cutting and valley filling. This can not only reduce the cost of household electricity, but also alleviate the power supply pressure of the grid, to achieve the optimal allocation of energy.
Increase energy independence
With the development of renewable energy, the combination of home energy storage systems and distributed energy systems such as photovoltaic power generation and wind power generation can improve the degree of self-sufficiency of home energy, reduce the dependence on traditional power grids, and allow families to have more autonomy in energy use.
Intelligent energy management
Through monitoring and control systems, home energy storage systems can achieve intelligent energy management. It can automatically adjust the charging and discharging strategy according to the user's power consumption habits, electricity price fluctuations and other factors to achieve efficient use of energy. For example, when the user is not at home, the system can automatically charge; After the user returns home, according to the use of electrical equipment, reasonable distribution of electrical energy.
4. Application scenarios and development prospects
The application scenario of home energy storage system is very wide. In urban households, it can solve the problem of unstable power grids in old communities, while reducing electricity bills by cutting peaks and filling valleys. In rural areas, especially remote areas, where grid coverage is imperfect, home energy storage systems combined with distributed energy can provide a reliable power supply for households. For villas and high-end residences, home energy storage systems not only provide emergency power, but also meet the owners' pursuit of energy efficient management and high quality of life.
From the perspective of development prospects, with the continuous progress of battery technology, the cost of energy storage batteries is gradually reduced, and the performance is constantly improved. At the same time, in order to promote energy transformation and energy conservation and emission reduction, governments have introduced encouraging policies, including subsidies, tax incentives, etc., which provide good opportunities for the popularization of home energy storage systems. In the future, home energy storage systems are expected to be deeply integrated with smart home systems to achieve more intelligent and efficient energy management.
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