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Charging and discharging mode of portable energy storage device

October 16, 2024
Charging method

1. Mains charging

This is one of the most common ways to charge. Portable energy storage devices are usually equipped with AC input interfaces, which can be plugged into a mains outlet in a home or office using a standard power adapter. The mains is generally stable 220V (or 110V and other national and regional standards) alternating current, which is converted into a DC voltage suitable for the battery of the energy storage device through the adapter. The advantage of this charging method is that it is convenient and fast, as long as there is a mains socket, you can charge the device at any time. For example, a portable energy storage device can be easily recharged in a hotel room during a trip, or while resting at home.

2. Solar charging

With the development of clean energy, solar charging has been widely used in the field of portable energy storage. This requires solar panels to convert the sun's energy into electricity. In an outdoor sunny environment, the solar panel is connected to a portable energy storage device, and the direct current generated by the solar panel can directly charge the device. For outdoor enthusiasts, this is a very ideal way to recharge. For example, in hiking, camping and other activities, as long as there is sunlight, solar panels can be used to charge energy storage devices, so as to ensure that the equipment continues to supply power to mobile phones, cameras and other equipment. However, the efficiency of solar charging is affected by factors such as sunlight intensity, Angle and weather, and the charging speed may be slower on cloudy days or when the sun is weak.

3. Car charging

For people who often travel by car, car charging is a very practical way to charge. Most portable energy storage devices can be connected to the car's cigarette lighter interface via an on-board charger. After the car starts, the 12V direct current output of the cigarette lighter is converted by the car charger to charge the energy storage device. In the process of long-distance driving, even if mobile phones, navigators and other devices are used for a long time, you can also use the way of car charging to charge portable energy storage devices, and ensure that there is sufficient electricity to power these devices at any time.

Discharge mode

1. DC output

The DC output of portable energy storage devices is mainly realized through USB interfaces (such as USB-A, USB-C, etc.) and DC output ports (such as 12V or 24V, etc.). The USB interface can charge many digital devices such as mobile phones, tablets and Bluetooth headsets, which usually use a DC voltage of about 5V. The DC output port can power some devices that require higher DC voltage, such as car refrigerators, LED lights, and so on. When camping outdoors, we can use the DC output of portable energy storage devices to power camping lights and provide night lighting; Or power your car's refrigerator to keep your food fresh.

2. AC output

In addition to DC output, portable energy storage devices also have AC output functions. This is achieved by converting the direct current in the battery to alternating current (usually 220V or 110V) through a built-in inverter. In this way, it can power electrical devices that need AC power, such as laptops, electric kettles, and small electric drills. In the emergency case of power failure, the AC output of the portable energy storage device can supply power to the laptop computer to ensure the normal operation; Or power the electric kettle to meet the basic domestic water heating needs.

Whether it is charging or discharging, we need to pay attention to safety when using portable energy storage devices. When charging, use the original charger and charging cable to avoid equipment damage or even safety accidents caused by the use of inferior chargers. When discharging, pay attention to the output power of the equipment, do not exceed the rated power of the equipment, so as not to cause equipment overload, affect the service life of the equipment and even cause danger.


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