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Guide to Safe use of portable energy storage devices

September 26, 2024
Portable Power Station have brought great convenience to our lives, whether it is outdoor travel, emergency backup or daily charging, they play an important role. However, in order to ensure safe use, here are some things to be aware of when using portable energy storage devices.
1. Charge correctly
Charge with the original charger or a charger that meets the requirements of the device. Different models of portable energy storage devices may have specific requirements for the specifications of the charger, and using a mismatched charger may damage the device or cause safety accidents.
Avoid overcharging. When the device is fully charged, unplug the charger in time to prevent the battery from overheating, bulging or even explosion due to long-term charging.
Choose the right charging environment. Charge in a dry, well-ventilated place, away from heat, humidity and combustible materials. High temperatures will accelerate battery aging, humidity may cause short circuits, and combustible materials increase the risk of fire.
2. Reasonable discharge
Understand the output power of the device and the power requirements of the connected device to avoid overload. Overloading can cause overheating, damage or even fire.
Close unwanted device connections in a timely manner to reduce unnecessary discharges to extend the service time and battery life of the device.
Pay attention to device compatibility. Ensure that portable energy storage devices are compatible with connected devices to avoid device failures or safety issues due to incompatibility.
3. Storage and carrying
When not in use for a long time, the equipment should be stored in a dry and cool place, and regular charge and discharge maintenance to keep the battery active.
During the carrying process, the equipment should be avoided by collision, squeezing and falling. Special protective cases or storage boxes can be used to increase the protection of the equipment.
Do not place portable energy storage devices with sharp objects or metal objects to prevent puncturing the battery or causing a short circuit.
4. Pay attention to safety matters
Keep away from fire and hot objects. Batteries in portable energy storage devices may explode or burn when exposed to high temperatures or fire sources, so keep a safe distance.
Do not disassemble the equipment. If the equipment fails, contact professional maintenance personnel for handling, private disassembly may destroy the safety protection mechanism of the equipment, resulting in danger.
Children should stay away from portable energy storage devices. Place the device out of reach of children to prevent children from misoperating or playing with the device and causing safety accidents.
The correct use of portable energy storage equipment can bring convenience and security to our lives, but we must keep in mind that safety is first, and operate in strict accordance with the use guide to ensure the safety of ourselves and others.
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